Change Logon Background of Windows Vista or Windows 7 with Logon Controller. Logon Background referred above refers to the background image displayed where you logon to your computer by entering your password. The Logon background is even displayed when your computer is configured to auto logon. Download Logon Controller and Change Windows 7 or Windows Vista Logon Background image.
Change Windows 7 Logon Screen to any selected jpg image
file. Click on any of the thumbnails to set the image as Windows 7 Login Background.
You can revert back to Original Windows 7 Login Screen with a Single Click. Lock
Computer or Workstation to Verify the Changes done to the Windows 7 Login Screen.
The Software can be used to change Windows 7 or Vista Logon background by selecting existing background images for your Computer Desktop. The Logon Background can also be specified by browsing to an external image file (bmp, jpg etc). As the Logon Background is shared by other users of the computer, the software download would require admin rights to run and change the background image of the login screen.
Whenever you wish to revert back to the default Logon Background image provided by Microsoft, just click on Default Background button and your logon background would be reverted to default.
Change Monitor Orientation, Rotate Display clock wise or anti clock wise, Change Screen Saver, Turn Off Temporarily Dual Monitors or Disable them and enable them only when you want to use them, Change Background of individual Monitor or Desktop Background and lots more in a small Dual Monitor Software available for download.
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